I just returned from the Sacred Valley in Peru...
It was refreshing to spend
quality time with earth connected, ancient souls in
Ceremony and celebration
Ritual and release
HUCHA - heavy energy created by man - sin, guilt, trauma, anger, fault, offense, crime
This is a word in the Quechua language of the ancient Q'ero tribes of Peru. It is a word they use to explain the illnesses we carry in our bodies and minds.
They didn't need therapists to work that out, its been apart of their language for thousands of years...
These beautiful people fled to the highest mountains after the majority of their population were slaughtered by the Spanish conquistadors in 1500's
Through their deep understanding of astrological cycles, they were aware that these changes were going to happen and they knew it was important to protect these ancient wisdoms and that the time would present for them to share it once again....That time is NOW
When I listen to their words and participated in their ceremonies, I felt a strong activation happening in my cells which allowed myself to fully open & to purify. Their language holds codes for clearing, connection and activation...it is truly a Language of Light
They obtained this innate knowledge from the teachings of pre-incan civilisations, the Star people. The Q'ero still hold this knowledge and they share it freely for the betterment of the human population who they consider to be their family
Its incredible to know that the Q'ero tribes only reconnected with the modern world 60 years ago!
They still embody the ancient wisdoms and knowledge unaffected by the modern world, whole & intact after 1000's of years!
They hold no anger for the past injustices or the mass genocide of their people that occurred in the 1500's, just an open hearted understanding of timing and the importance of clearing that pain to achieve peace and connection to all that exists on this beautiful planet.
I have never met a more humble or loving group of people in all my travels, so willing to share their ways and ceremonies and always happy!
They believe in purifying the body and mind to access a greater connection to each other and our Mother Earth - Pachamama
They were told it was time to share these healing practices with the world and so now they work diligently, assisting people in removing their HUCHA through ceremony, Andean sweat lodges, immersions in nature, herbal concoctions and plant medicines. They know it's important for the world to know true connection, unity and how to live using all of our senses.
This is the "new way" that many of us are experiencing, no more separation, no more fighting or judging something as right or wrong, just clearing and connecting!
As one of the oldest living indigenous tribes on the planet, I am listening and humbly learning from them (and the next level mentors I've connected with). They show no malice, superiority, anger or resentment to any other living being, they also show no ownership of these vital purifying modalities! They are willing to share because they know the time of separation, calling out who wronged who and hate is Over!​
This is how it is to be truly Woke, pure intention, pure connection and so much JOY!
7 reasons to clear your Hucha
1.When we heal ourselves, we heal our lineage 2.Humanity has a greater potential than what we are living today....
3.To access forgotten abilities in ourselves because, as we all know, everything is already within us....
4.To not only create space for more freedom, love and expansion in our own lives but to be able to give others permission to do the same
4.Confirmation comes in the form of true clarity, intuition and connection that guide those doing the work beyond any theoretical reasoning...
5.When we actively release our blockages, we create a clear channel to connect with our innate gifts & purpose which effortlessly presents itself, no strategy required!
6.Doing this work brings endless creative possibilities, deeper relationships, greater capacity for love and connection, abundance on all levels plus it is so very liberating! 7.Once you start, you will understand what it means to Wake up and receive all life has to offer!
Ask yourself how it makes you feel when you experience judgement, fear, hate & resentment in your being? Think about all the personal & global issues caused by being in these energies....
These heavy energies (and many more) are held in your cells, its caused by past trauma and it can be cleared!
These energies are the very reason for separation amongst humanity!
Our own individual and collective trauma is the cause of all that is wrong with this world, the lack of compassion and empathy between people, nations, religions, tribes etc all comes from PAST TRAUMA!
It gives me hope for humanity to know that it can actually be cleared and now with a few more energy clearing tools in my kit, I'm even more committed to creating change for my clients one at a time and collectively at my workshops!
Clearing hucha is a process, I suggest following these steps for the best outcome
1) Work with some natural therapy modalities and attend some healing workshops and retreats
2) Have an awareness of energy pathways and how the body holds memory
3) Actively practice meditation, yoga, qi gong or any other energy moving modality that gives you access the energy pathways 4) Book in a 2hr session with me and be willing to go deep
Then there are evolutionary immersions/retreats available to take you next level! I am more than happy to share them with you
Imagine a world where everyone takes responsibility for their own trauma, letting go of blame & shame & authentically releasing their own embedded emotion (all hucha) Thats the fully woke world I want to live in!
All we need to know is within us, we just need to create the space to access it. I am working with some potent tools for release and the results are profound! Once on the path to releasing those heavy energies, true wisdom and divine evolution can become a reality & who doesn't want that??
Who doesn't want to be living the life they were born to live by accessing your fullest potential with the gifts inherent to you?
Who doesn't want to have clear guidance and operate from a place of spiritual & emotional intelligence?
Who doesn't want their life to flow in divine order most days...?(let's be realistic, some challenging days are important as well!)
Are you ready to resonate higher?
then join us at
The Connection Programme
14 & 15 September 2019 - Temple Byron - Byron Bay
Early Bird rate until August 14 - $400
$500 after
The workshop includes:
Indigenous Ceremonial Welcome to Country
Creating sacred space for you and your environments
Energy Clearing tools & practices
Learn & Access your Chakra & Meridian system
Learn how to clear & protect your body, mind & heart
Connect with your Spirit
Crystal wisdom
Release through deeply earth connection Meditations Connect with the seasonal nature of your body
Honour and learn about The Endocrine System Learn how to decalcify your pineal gland
Food as medicine morning tea and lunch
Raise the vibration of your atoms with Crystal Bowl sound immersion Remember your ancient soul with Tibetan & Andean Sound healing
Guidance on your path moving forward
Connect with like minded family
and so much
Payments can be made by credit card via this website
Event Bookings
by Bank Transfer to
Danielle Gigante
BSB 728 728
ACC # 223 100 70
(with your name as a reference)
Payment plans also available
email me to discuss
Join our event page to stay connected
A beautiful AirBnb nearby (sleeps 4)
Discovery Holiday Park
Elements of Byron
#Heavyenergy #Hucha #AndeanSweatlodge #EnergyClearing #PeruRetreat #TheConnectionProgrammeByronBay #ByronBayworkshops #HealingTrauma #ReleasingTrauma #ClearingPractices #ByronBayHealing #ByronBayGetaway #ByronBaySpiritualHealing #Ancienthealingpracticesforamodernworld #Separation #QeroTribe #TheAndes #Peru